Community Organisations – Over the years, STAR have set up over 50 community development trusts and other community owned organisations and enterprises.

We also provide toolkits and training courses for management committees/trustees/boards of directors and for staff that work with community organisations.

Examples include:

  • Saline and Steelend Community Development Trust (SCIO)
  • Muthill Village Trust (charitable company limited by guarantee)
  • Moodiesburn Community Development Trust (SCIO)
  • West Calder Community Trust (charitable company limited by guarantee)
  • Raploch Community Partnership (from unincorporated association to charitable company limited by guarantee)
  • Barrmill Community Association (from unincorporated association to charitable company limited by guarantee)
  • Skills toolkit for Community Organisations for Stirling Community Planning Partnership
  • Delivery of our Healthy Community Organisation training modules e.g. training courses for community organisations in the Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park